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There are a few items here on this page that may help you quickly resolve issues. The project section under start-up services on the home page can also provide an overview of a specific area of production.
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Summary of Changes by Effective Date for the Domestic Mail Manual.
we are introducing a streamlined version of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual.
Mailpiece Analysis ToolsTo facilitate on going automation efforts and improve mailing economy, the United States Postal Service ® has mandated the use of mailpiece barcodes for discount-eligible First Class™ and Standard Mail jobs. However, these codes must meet certain specifications.If barcodes fail testing at a USPS facility, mailers may forfeit their postal discounts and the resulting losses can be significant. That makes ensuring barcode accuracy essential, and makes products like the Gage-Line ® Analysis Tools a wise investment for any efficiency-minded mailing professional.Mailers need to be savvy and proactive when it comes to meeting the latest postal regulations. These useful quality-control tools will provide end users with significant piece of mind at a modest price.
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