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Summary of Changes by Effective Date for the Domestic Mail Manual. 
​ we are introducing a streamlined version of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual.

Gage-Line® 6X Optical Comparator Barcode Analysis Tool​

Mailpiece Analysis ToolsTo facilitate on going automation efforts and improve mailing economy, the United States Postal Service ® has mandated the use of mailpiece barcodes for discount-eligible First Class™ and Standard Mail jobs. However, these codes must meet certain specifications.If barcodes fail testing at a USPS facility, mailers may forfeit their postal discounts and the resulting losses can be significant. That makes ensuring barcode accuracy essential, and makes products like the Gage-Line ® Analysis Tools a wise investment for any efficiency-minded mailing professional.Mailers need to be savvy and proactive when it comes to meeting the latest postal regulations. These useful quality-control tools will provide end users with significant piece of mind at a modest price.

​Providing Outstanding Mail, Print and Packaging solutions since 1997

Authorized Kirk Rudy Dealer