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To attach a scratch off a KR 435, 535, 545 could be used, but may need an extension kit based on the backing size.

To attach a coin this is a special rotating head that uses a KR 215 shaft base. This can also be folded inline using a KR 219RSF.

To affix a CD disk, this can be achieved by the KR 203 placer this can also be folded inline using a KR 219RSF.

To attach a key we have developed a special KR 203 key head and would place this with a stop pin base. This can also be folded inline using a KR 219RSF.

KR 445

I know what I want to do, what system is right for me:

The magnets can be applied by both our Servo attacher and a tabbing system like the KR 535 or the KR 545. A company like Magnum Magnetics can provide you the product that can be automated.

KR 203

KR 497 servo

KR 535

Attaching, Affixing, Tipping

​Providing Outstanding Mail, Print and Packaging solutions since 1997

No we have a KR 565 splicer unit that will allow for one or each web to be pre-spliced while running the tabber. We also have tab backing/liner vacuum trimmers for desposal of tabbing waste into trash can.

To fold inline with an inline inkjet, tabber or card machine you will need a KR 415 incline/Bump turn conveyor.

To affix a plastic or paper stock card can be achieved a few ways. The most productive is our KR 497 Servo attacher.  But the KR 203 placer will also accomplish this task.

KR 565

Authorized Kirk Rudy Dealer

To fold inline the KR 219RSF system can be single fold or another inline unit can be attached for a second fold.

KR 435

To attach a post it note the KR 435, 535, 545 could be used.  An extension kit may be necessary based on the backing size.

To attach a photograph or any single sheet product the KR 497 Servo matching would be the correct unit for that task.  This can also be folded inline using a KR 219RSF.

To affix a liquid or strange shaped product this can be achieved by the KR 203 placer.  This can also be folded inline using a KR 219RSF.

KR 415

KR 412